
Our work is all about changing social norms, mindsets, and cultures around gender, sexuality, and violence that keep women and gender minorities in permanent states of inequality. We are recognised as a leader in the domains we work in – looking at digital technologies through a feminist lens, at disability through the gender and sexuality lens, and using digital storytelling to voice silenced realities around these.

These strategies, which take multiple forms online and onground, are designed to:

Increase the voice and agency of women and marginalised genders

Break taboos or voicelessness around speaking out about sexuality or violence

Build understandings based on lived realities, experiences, and perspectives

Our strategies: A smart phone with 3 text boxes popping out, with the text “#love”, a heart and a hashtag.

Our strategies

We use five core strategies, anchored in our Theory of Change, to build effective, impactful programmes and interventions.

Building skills and capacities through training, workshops, conferences, and information.

Building knowledge and understanding through research and knowledge production.

Building networks and movements through collaborations and joint actions.

Building discourses and narratives via strategic communications, including publications and campaigns.

Building responses and advocacy via tools and policy inputs.

Who we work with

We work through an intersectional lens. In our worldview, gender is not the only root cause of inequality. Gender and sexuality intersect with caste, class, education, ability, occupation, and other social markers to create multiple inequalities.

We work with a wide range of women and people of marginalised genders: rural, urban, low-income, disabled, trans/queer, sex workers, among others. Many of them exist outside social norms constructed for women, such as ‘respectability’. This means they are neither counted in, nor given respect, rights, or dignity at multiple levels: in families, communities, societies, in law and policy, in media, and in the public gaze. Many of them are seen as ‘bad women’ or ‘not women enough’, a label which allows the violences and oppressions they face to go unchallenged. Our work changes this by chipping away at deep-rooted mindsets, headspaces, and cultures bit by bit.

Who we work with: 7 people from diverse backgrounds are standing together against a dark and slightly dystopian background.

Image credit: Upasana Agarwal

Support us in empowering women, girls, and gender and sexual minorities to shape and inhabit digital spaces.


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